Terms of Use

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The subject of this notice is the web pages at the web address of the company “Global Natures Pharma” naturespharma.biz. All the content on these web pages are the property of the company “Global Natures Pharma” and is of an informative nature. Information contained on the web pages naturespharma.biz is no replacement for advice from a personal doctor who is the only one qualified to judge and give healthcare advice with respect to your illness or your health problems and to prescribe suitable medicine.

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“Global Natures Pharma” cannot be held responsible for any damage caused by using the web pages  naturespharma.biz or their content. All users use them at their own responsibility. “Global Natures Pharma” will whilst maintaining the content of the web pages attempt to ensure the accuracy of data but it cannot accept responsibility for its accuracy or inclusiveness or any consequences of erroneous interpretation of the pages’ content. “Global Natures Pharma” retains the right to change add or remove web pages (entirely or partially) without prior warning.

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Users may use the content on the web pages of the company “Global Natures Pharma” naturespharma.biz for their personal use in that they do not violate copyright. The authors are not responsible for any damage as a result of use. Any other use or distribution of the content or part of these web pages is not permitted.

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The company makes available all personal data collected on the web pages of “Global Natures Pharma” naturespharma.biz in accordance with valid legislation.

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